I've finished painting my "guide" figure for my first unit of Rebels. They will be made up of figures from Perry Miniatures packs ACW30,31 & 36. Confederates in Frock Coats, mostly wearing Kepis. I am not happy with these figures since they have an unacceptably large amount of flash. Up to now I have been painting Renegade, Redoubt and Crusader ACW figures which, for the most part, had no flash at all. The uniform is painted in Testors (!) US Navy Blue-Gray [
ed. corrected] since it was the only mid-shade blue-gray I can find. The color decision was made based upon several photos of better quality Early War uniforms.
First painted Rebel, From Perry Miniatures pack ACW31 |
I am envisioning this unit as an early 1862 unit made up primarily of the sons of well to do Low Country South Carolina families. They are still able to maintain their early blue-gray uniforms from the first blush of the war but now some pragmatic elements have made their way in. About every fourth infantryman will be wearing a slouch hat, every fourth or fifth will have non-issue trousers. When I order more flags they will be carrying a South Carolina State Flag into battle.
My intention is to paint this unit up initially as a four stand/ 15 figure unit suitable for use in solo games at home. I'll then add another stand to take it up to 19 figs for use in Guns at Gettysburg games.
Very, very, nice work! That will make a fine looking unit when complete. Although your paint is Testors(!), it appears to be a perfect Cadet Blue-Grey.
The figure looks even better in it's new glorious Gloss coat! As I said the only reason I used a Testors color is because it was the only one that was "right". I even went to Color Match 1.1 to no avail. And it only took me 4 days to finish one figure.
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