After a long day parenting I took some Woodbine ANZAC Bombers & an NCO outside and primed them (more on this later). It was dark and I put them, as I always do, on a scrap piece of cardboard on a low wall on my patio. It was dark and chilly. I left the figures to dry and went inside to finish the nighty-night rituals. What I did not do, that I usually do, was weight the cardboard with a rock.
The wind picked up and several hours later when I went out to fetch the Bombers I found that the cardboard had flipped over into a giant pile of Oak Leaves. I attempted to find the figs in the dark but then heard some scurrying across the yard. Looking up I saw an ugly villainous creature staring at me from about 6 yards away: The Opossum.
Luckily, being a southerner I knew just how to deal with him/her: I hissed. The 'Possum ran off into the dark.
Unfortunately I only found 3 of the 5 figures last night; none today thus far. It will be dark when I return home so there's no way I'll be facing off "Pogo" again.
*The Second day....*
They broke camp and after half an hour or so folling the pathway, they
rounded a corner in the path. Von Tiddenheim spotted somethi...
Sad and funny all at the same time! Good luck in locating the wayward ANZACs and, more importantly, keep a sharp eye for your critter as you are searching.
Well.. I've looked for two days and so far no luck....They were nice figs too...
I may have to slightly rethink how to use the remaining figs...
In essence there were to be two figures to a base 1 throwing and one rearming himself with another bomb... now only the throwing figures are left (plus the NCO)...
I think the Opossum may be a regular... it probably visits it's friend the groundhog who lives under the shed...
My theory is that the possum (opossum?) nicked the minis - he's gaming with the groundhog.
Sorry about the minis!
Well I hope the possum did better than the chipmunk that used to live under the shed... one day after the groundhog moved in I found the chipmunks dessicated carcass laid out on his front door step!
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